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How Much Oil Does My Car Need?

If you are the owner of a car, then you must know about the working condition of your vehicle. Once when you had focused on its maintenance and its engine conditions, then you can increase the life span of the…

How to make car freshies at home

Freshies are hanging air fresheners and used in the car, closet, drawers and locker. Many brands of best-selling signature air fresheners will catch the attention of many people and encourage them to prefer and buy the competitive prices of high-quality…

Lane Merge Etiquette

Picture this: You’re in the left lane of a four-lane superhighway, and see a sign that up ahead the lane ends or is temporarily closed.  Traffic in the right lane has slowed because vehicles in the left lane have merged. …

How to drive safetly in the Dark

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night In his 1980s mega hit, Canadian pop/rocker Corey Heart wore his sunglasses at night, propelling him to the top of the charts. Had he worn his sunglasses at night while driving, he most likely…

The Parking Lot-tery – Parking Lot Auto Accidents

Hit THIS Lot-tery and Lose! Parking space showdowns, deserted shopping carts, and renegade vehicles are turning America’s parking lots into the Wild West at high noon.  For some unknown reason, many motorists don’t always display the same etiquette in parking…